Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Important Book--Writing Following a Pattern

Our teacher read us "The Important Book" by Margaret Wise Brown.  In this book, the author takes ordinary things and uses specific details to explain why they are important. 

We talked about the pattern the author used and how this makes for a good paragraph.  (A paragraph is a group of sentences about 1 idea.)  A good paragraph starts with an opening sentence, is followed by supporting detail sentences and then finishes with a closing sentence. 

We then used this pattern to write our own paragraph on the topic of:
The important thing about grade 3...

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  Gym helps you be active.  It help you keep moving.  Gym is important because it takes some of your energy away so you can work.  But the important thing about grade 3 is gym.
-by Averill

The important thing about grade 3 is math.  Math is important because it helps you count by nines.  It helps you teach your kids math.  Math helps you count your money.  But the important thing about grade 3 is math.
-by Anthony

The important thing about grade 3 is reader's workshop.  It builds your stamina and is fun.  It is very good for you.  I like read to self because I can pick the books that I get to read.  But the important thing about grade 3 is reader's workshop.
-by Raegan

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  You get to learn new sports.  Also, you get to play tag.  Sometimes we get to play tennis.  But the important things about grade 3 is gym.
-by Logan

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  We played badminton and jump rope.  Also, we play speed stacking.  It's good for your body.  But the important thing about grade 3 is gym.
-by Brady

The important thing about grade 3 is math in the morning.  We do the straws.  Then we do the calendar.  Another thing is then we do the tally chart.  But the important thing about grade 3 is math in the morning.
-by Angus

The important thing about grade 3 is you learn handwriting.  You learn handwriting by practicing.  Handwriting is fancy.  Handwriting is quick.  But the important thing about grade 3 is handwriting.
-by Hunter

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  Gym is fun.  Gym gets our sillies out.  You can run in gym.  But the important thing about grade 3 is gym.
-by Cooper

The important thing about grade 3 is skip counting by threes.  Because it helps you count money.  It helps you count.  It helps you to add.  But the important thing about grade 3 is skip counting.
-by Koby

The important thing about grade 3 is skip counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's, 25's and 100's.  My favourite numbers are 25's, 5's and 100's.  Skip counting is fun.  But the important thing about grade three is skip counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's, 25's and 100's.
-by Trystan

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  Because there are fun games, warm ups and at the end we get to high five Miss Siddle.  But the important thing about grade 3 is gym.
-by Kira

The important thing about grade 3 is I learned more about dinosaurs.  You also learn other things.  You study some things.  You get special days.  But the important thing about grade 3 is I learned more about dinosaurs.
-by Scott

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  The gym helps us to have physical activity every day.  It makes us to think better.  That helps us to get our energy out.  But the important thing about grade 3 is gym.
-by Summer

The important thing about grade 3 is skip counting.  Then you can count money, months and numbers.  You can use a ruler to skip count.  Our class can count by three's with an action.  But the important thing about grade 3 is skip counting.
-by Quintin

The important thing about grade 3 is that you learn math.  When you're an adult, you need to count money.  If you're a teacher, you need to count students.  With math, you can tell time.  But the important thing about grade 3 is that you learn math.
-by Ava

The important thing about grade 3 is library.  You get to get into a book and enjoy it.  You can get a good book for the weekend.  There are lots of books to choose from at the library, instead of just one.  But the important thing about grade 3 is library.
-by Zoe

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  In gym, we learn lots of games to play.  We learned tennis.  We learned freeze tag.  But the important thing about grade 3 is gym.
-by Colten

The important thing about grade 3 is to learn new things.  We have learned to be bucket fillers, not bucket dippers.  A bucket filler does good things like pick up garbage, be kind to each other, help each other and stand up for each other.  Our class learned about geometry.  But the important thing about grade 3 is to learn new things.
-by Orion

The important thing about grade 3 is math.  Math is in everything.  There are many things like add, divide and take away.  I like to learn math by playing games.  Math is fun to learn.  But the important thing about grade 3 is math.
-by Kevin

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  They have hula hoops, dodge balls and tennis.  The gym teacher is Miss Siddle.  I like to play tag in gym.  But the important thing about grade 3 is gym.
-by Brooke

The important thing about grade 3 is gym.  It's healthy because it's exercise.  You run and skip.  My favourite thing in gym is playing tag.  But the important thing about grade 3 is gym.
-by Dominik

The important thing about grade 3 is that I learn math.  Before, I did not know ho to add 1000's to random numbers, now I can.  Also, I could not take away random numbers from 1000, now I can.  Now I can do division.  But the important thing about grade 3 is that I learn math.
-by Ethan

The important thing about grade 3 is that you get to learn.  You get to learn capitals for handwriting and lowercase letters too.  You get to be a better reader when you keep on practicing.  When you do social studies, you get to learn about new places.  But the important thin about grade 3 is that you get to learn.
-by Jordin


We were wondering...

Have you read "The Important Book" before?
Have you used it's pattern to do some writing?
What do you think is important about grade 3?

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